Few Interesting Moving Facts


Many factors play into moving. Not everyone is moving into a big beautiful new home. Sometimes people are downgrading and moving into a smaller home or apartment. Sometimes couples are moving in, sometimes the unfortunate realization of couples not working out forces them to move apart. Sometimes a loved one passed away and their belongings need to be taken to a storage facility or another place. These are all contributing a stress. Moving is actually the third most stressful event that can happen in life. The death of a loved one being first and right under divorce. Did you know more than 40 million people move every single year. That’s like moving everyone in NY state twice. What many people don’t realize is that the majority of the moves that happen are between the months of May and the first Monday in September. Over 50% of all moves happen around this time, likely due to children being in school and the hassle of getting them out at certain times.   Here are some of the interesting moving facts

  • About 40 million Americans move every year. That’s more people than the entire population of California!
  • The average American moves about 12 times in a lifetime. That’s every six years for the average American.
  • 50% all US relocation occur during one-third of the year – between the beginning of May and Labor Day (the first Monday of September).
  • Around: 40% of all moves in US are job-related; 42% are personal moves; 18% are military or government relocations.
  • Moving is the third most stressful event in life, following death of a loved one and divorce.
  • Moving locally with a moving company may cost you less than hiring a moving truck and moving yourself. The moving company will cover the labor, packing, the truck, transportation, gas, toll expenses, insurance – pretty much everything.
  • The reason people (about 31 percent of the Americans) are most likely to choose their new neighborhood is convenience to their job.
  • Each year in US alone, a full third of all renters move.
  • One of the stunning moving facts is that about 62 percent of the people in US currently live in the very state they were born.
  • Florida has the lowest percentage of people born in the state who now live there.


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