Regardless of the fact how you transport your pets, whether it is by car or airplane, you need to make the proper arrangements first, just as you did while considering and selecting a skilled and professional cross country moving company. Once you have planned the move, the first thing to do is to take your pet to the veterinarian. A signed health certificate is necessary if you are taking your pet via plane due to rules and regulations that most states have. Also, ask your veterinarian to implant an identification chip in your pet because several airlines require this process. cross country moving companies If you are moving to another state, check its requirements for the import of animals. Even if your pet is traveling with you by car, it’s best to have them checked by your veterinarian. Due to regional health risks such as heartworm, it is important you educate yourself about the location you are moving to. IF MOVING WITH DOGS / CATS Cats are very sensitive and always prefer to be in an acquainted environment. On the other hand, dogs have the habit of adjusting more easily to moving, than cats. For both cats and dogs, sticking to the routine after the move is very important. Maintaining the same schedule for treats, grooming and bedtime will help your pets adjust quickly. Before The Move: Preparing Your Pets – The first step to take to prepare your cat for moving day is by making her/him adjust to a pet carrier. No matter how near, or far you are moving, a pet carrier will be the safest place for them. If he/she has never been in a carrier, introduce the idea slowly. Start by putting a blanket and cat/dog treats inside, leave the door open, and make the experience a positive one. Once he/she is comfortable with the carrier, the next step is to familiarize him/her with car travel. Initially, you can take him/her for 5-10-minute rides, and then extend it to longer 20-minute rides. In the case of dogs, consider taking them to a new neighborhood for walks before you move in. While you’re packing, try not to isolate your dog in a dog crate. Instead, include him/her while you pack and move boxes, allowing them to investigate the activity. Know The Law – Most states have laws regarding the importation of dogs, cats, horses, and other pets, and some are more onerous than others. Many states inspect the pet at the border or ask to see health certificates. Contact the Animal Control Commission for the city or town you’ll be living in to determine what documents will be needed and for information on getting licenses for your pets. Get The Check-Up Done – Depending on the mode of your travel, and where you’re planning to move to, you require certain documents relating to your pet’s health. Hence, scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian to get everything in order is very important. The most commonly needed documents are Proof of Rabies Vaccination and Health Certificate. TRANSPORTING YOUR PETS VIA AIR Airlines generally transport animals in the cargo compartment of a plane. In doing so, the airlines advise the flight crew that animals are onboard the aircraft. Some airlines allow passengers to carry their pets in the cabin of a plane if the animals are capable of fitting under the passenger’s seat. How to Ensure A Safe Airline Trip For My Pet?
  • Avoid peak travel periods when delays and stopovers are longer.• Avoid peak travel periods when delays and stopovers are longer.
  • While making reservations inform the airline directly.
  • Arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare.
  • If you are sending your pet through the cargo system, you’ll need to go to the cargo terminal, usually located in a separate part of the airport.
  • Put a cushion or blanket on the crate floor. Attach a water cup to the crate door.
  • On the day of the flight, take your dog for a long walk before leaving for the airport.
  • At the end of your trip, pick up your pet promptly.
IF MOVING WITH BIRDS Birds are the most of all creatures and much more sensitive when it comes to change, so moving can be particularly stressful for them. However, if planned properly you can minimize the troubling changes in your bird’s world. A lot depends on how you will transport your birds, by airplane or by car. As with dogs and cats, bus lines and trains do not accept pets. For the safety and comfort of your birds, traveling by car is the best option. This is not always possible. That is why most airlines allow birds to be flown with owners in the cabin or in the cargo hold. Regardless of how you transport your birds, you should have them checked by a veterinarian and obtain health certificates. This is because some states require health certificates. Even if you are traveling through or to a state that doesn’t, it’s better to have the documents, for no other reason than to show proof of ownership. Traveling By Car – Birds usually enjoy car travel, especially if they can see out the windows. If you choose to get different carriers for the trip, make sure to get them at least a month before you travel. Have your birds spend time in the new carriers or cages so they become used to them. Tips To Moving With Your Birds
  • Bring your bird’s regular food and water. Changes can cause intestinal issues.• Bring your bird’s regular food and water. Changes can cause intestinal issues.
  • Have a good quality cooler to keep fruits and vegetables.
  • Birds are very sensitive to temperature, so make sure the car’s air conditioning and heating is operating properly before you leave.
  • Birds should travel in the backseat with their carriers belted in.
  • Try to avoid using water while in the car. Instead, bring fruit such as cucumbers or citrus.
If you are planning a cross country move along with the flurry member of your family, consider using a professional moving company. If you are planning to relocate, see if you can negotiate having your company pay to have your pets moved safely. Moving companies are not allowed to transport pets. When considering professional cross country moving companies, you can ask if they work with or can help you in getting in touch with the airlines and completing all the necessary paperwork. Their skilled team handles everything efficiently from picking up your pet at home to delivering it to your new destination.